HBS Networking for 2020!
HBS Networking is an opportunity for Ottawa area business owners to connect and build relationships that lead to referrals and collaborations.
Sue & Marc Morin volunteer their time as the organizers of these events, so thanks to the sponsors, there is no fee to attend. We support local restaurants by buying our breakfasts with them.
Next Event!
March 17, 2020
Event is 8AM-9:30AM
Chances R Restaurant – 1365 Woodroffe Avenue
To register for this event, please email HBSBusSolutions@yahoo.ca to reserve your spot!
MC: Dylan Black of Boom.997, Daytime Ottawa, Yuk Yuk’s Ottawa
In support of Tungasuvvingat Inuit
Sponsor: Pamela George, Financial Literacy
Sponsor: The Vacancy Solution, Professional Property Management & Leasing Services